

Plumbing Contractor

Serving Ithaca, Trumansburg, Interlaken, NY & the Surrounding Area

For all your plumbing needs: major repairs to leaking pipes, drains, or faucets, new faucets, new lines for an addition, or a whole new water system, including water heaters, water softeners, and kitchen faucet repair, we have trained, certified technicians ready to assist you.

If you need help with your pump or well, remember, that only tested and certified technicians can open your well or work on your pump. All of our technicians have been trained and certified to meet today's standards for working on your pump or well.

Thinking about a Lake Source System? Click here to see how Hubbard Heating & Plumbing can help you.

Thinking about a new water heater? We install natural gas and liquid propane gas water heaters, electric (including night meter), and the newest On-Demand water heaters.

Contact our plumbing contractors serving Ithaca, NY, and beyond to learn more!

Lake Source Systems

Does your lakeside home have inadequate water pressure? Or is your home well above the lake?

Do you need average or high pressure?

Do you live on the lake year round or are you only in the area for the summer months?

All of these questions impact on the type of pumping system you need.

If you are on a fairly level area a Jet Pump could be the best answer; someone whose home is a longer distance and/or well above lake level may find a Submersible Pump System works best for their needs.

Hubbard Heating & Plumbing can design and install a lake source water system that fits your needs. There is no “one-size-fits-all” installation.

Hubbard Heating & Plumbing, Inc has designed many systems taking into account all the factors related to the individual system, and we can do the same for you!

Contact us for your personally designed lake water system.

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